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Please note that answers must be submitted between 1 August 2024, 10AM to 15 August 2024, 10AM.
Any submissions made after 15 August 2024, 10AM will not be eligible for the lucky draw. 

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Eat more nutritious foods in the right proportions.

My Healthy Plate is an easy-to-understand visual guide to help you adopt healthier eating habits, which in turn can help you better manage your weight and ward off chronic diseases.


Quarter, Quarter, Half is an easy way to remember the right proportions of each food group in a well-balanced meal.

Here’s how:  

• Fill Quarter plate with wholegrains     

• Fill Quarter plate with good sources of protein     

• Fill Half plate with fruit and vegetables

Use My Healthy Plate to achieve a balanced diet meal plan that provides all the nutrients you need each day.

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To enjoy the advantages of a healthier diet, cut down on salt and sugar intake.

Tips to consume less sodium at home

On average, Singapore residents consume 3,620 mg of sodium compared to the recommended daily average of 2,000 mg.  Eating too much salt can result in health complications such as hypertension, heart disease and stroke.

Although “salt” and “sodium” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. Sodium is a mineral that is found in salt and occurs naturally in foods. Salt, also known as sodium chloride, is a compound comprising about 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

Eat less salt with the following tips:

  • Can anyone join Active Family Programme?
    This programme is catered to children aged 6 to 12 years old only. Parents are encouraged to join in the session with their kids but priority will be given to children :)
  • What is the attire for this programme?
    For safety reasons, all participants will need to be in COVERED sports shoes and comfortable sports attire (t-shirt, shorts etc.). Jeans are strongly not advised. Our facilitators on-site will disallow any participant from joining the session if not in proper attire, for safety reasons.
  • Are walk-ins welcome if I were to come last minute?
    Walk-ins are not available. You must be registered to join the activities. :)
  • What happens if it is raining before the start of the session?
    An SMS will be sent out to online registered participants of any cancellations or any shifting to the alternate wet weather location. It is important to key in a valid mobile number at time of registration.
  • How do I register for the sessions?
    Registration is via the Healthy365 app that can be downloaded at the Google Play Store or the App Store. Kindly download the App, and navigate to the 'NEARBY' function at the bottom to register for your sessions Click herefor a step-by-step guide on how to register on the app. 1 Parent account is limited to 2 pax, including your child. Priority will be given to children.

Tips to reduce eat less sugar

Sugar is essentially a carbohydrate that occurs naturally in a wide range of nutritious foods such as fruit, vegetables, grains and dairy. Sugar is often added during food processing to enhance flavours or act as a preservative. Added sugars are largely empty calories that provide little to no nutrients and should be consumed in moderation.

Reduce your sugar intake with the following tips:

  • Can anyone join Active Family Programme?
    This programme is catered to children aged 6 to 12 years old only. Parents are encouraged to join in the session with their kids but priority will be given to children :)
  • What is the attire for this programme?
    For safety reasons, all participants will need to be in COVERED sports shoes and comfortable sports attire (t-shirt, shorts etc.). Jeans are strongly not advised. Our facilitators on-site will disallow any participant from joining the session if not in proper attire, for safety reasons.
  • Are walk-ins welcome if I were to come last minute?
    Walk-ins are not available. You must be registered to join the activities. :)
  • What happens if it is raining before the start of the session?
    An SMS will be sent out to online registered participants of any cancellations or any shifting to the alternate wet weather location. It is important to key in a valid mobile number at time of registration.
  • How do I register for the sessions?
    Registration is via the Healthy365 app that can be downloaded at the Google Play Store or the App Store. Kindly download the App, and navigate to the 'NEARBY' function at the bottom to register for your sessions Click herefor a step-by-step guide on how to register on the app. 1 Parent account is limited to 2 pax, including your child. Priority will be given to children.
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For any enquiries, e-mail to or call 9027 3873 (9.30am - 6.30pm)

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